We cover in depth every Best Finishing Badge in NBA 2K23. Each of NBA 2K23's badges has its own unique tiering system. One is the weakest level, while three is the weakest overall. There are 16 corresponding badges for each attribute group. In Tier 1, there are eight badges; in Tiers 2 and 3, there are four badges each; your badge collection's structure will reflect this difference. If you want to see what Jordan is up against in NBA 2K23, you can do that, too. As compared to previous installments, NBA 2K23's badges are a major departure. This guide will tell you everything you need to know about the best finishing badges. So, let's not waste any more time and get down to business. Additionally, we have compiled a list of the top shooting awards in NBA 2K23.


Best Finishing Badges

In this article, we will go over the best badges in NBA 2K23 and what they can be used for. In addition, you will learn the dunks that go along with each badge.

Aerial Wizard Badge

The Aerial Wizard badge is a fan favorite in NBA 2K23. To earn a bronze badge at age fifty, silver at sixty-seven, gold at eighty-two, and hall of fame status at ninety-three, one must dunk while standing. The driving dunk, on the other hand, calls for a silver medal at sixty-six, gold at eighty-one, and entry into the hall of fame at ninety-two. In NBA 2K23, the badges are used for picking and rolling. After the switch has been called, what options do players have besides being aggressive toward their defender? As you're driving to the basket with the ball in your possession, you can signal for a lob pass. In addition, once you're the target of attention, wearing the Aerial Wizard badge may increase the likelihood that people will pay attention to you. In spite of this, getting the alley-oops converted is no simple task; however, the badge does make things easier. But they should only request the lob if they are certain that an open air space is available.

Acrobat Badge

Next, earn the Acrobat Badge as the best finisher in NBA 2K23. When the layups are tough, the player's ability to strike is bolstered. Full spin, half a spin, a step of the hop, a step of euro, the ability to cradle, and the ability to reverse or change the attempts of shooting layups all give players a vigilance boost. More than that, the badge makes it much simpler for players to take down the defender.

Backdown Punisher

The badge calls for a control on the post, starting with bronze at 55 and moving up to silver at 72. There is also a "gold" level at age 80 and a "hall of fame" level at age 87. In addition, there are ninety-four halls of fame for the strength, with sixty-five for bronze, seventy-six for silver, eighty-six for gold, and so on. It would be difficult to stop a man of that build within fifteen feet of you, especially if he wore both the Bully and Backdown Punisher badges. The primary function of Backdown Punisher is to prime the player for action. When the enemy is nearing the edge, the badge becomes useful. As the ups for the post and the lows for the low are not that common, the sportsman can become a little peculiar. Because of this, their teammates would be more open for shots, and the defense would be drawn.

Bully Badge

For the Bronze level, you'll need to have a strength of 74, for the Solver level, 82, for the Gold level, 89, and for the Hall of Fame level, 95. In NBA 2K22, the Bully badge is a lot like the Backdown Punisher 2.0 badge. When the player is within three or four feet of the basket and actively solicits shots or layups, they are imposing their will. Furthermore, the players would not be easily knocked down due to the strength of requisite. An opportunity to play with three-point plays can be advanced. Giannis Antetokounmpo is the first person who comes to mind when the badge is mentioned. Nikola Jokic and Joel Embiid are two other players who can add the badge to their collections.

Dream Shake Badge

The Dream Shake Badge is the next best in NBA 2K23. Silver for forty-five, gold for sixty-two, hall of fame for seventy-seven, and bronze for eighty-six are all necessary to earn the badge's corresponding control over the post. In the event of a mismatch or if the switch doesn't work out, the player can resort to Dream Shake. Hall of Famer Hakeem Olajuwon is the inspiration for the name of this award. The players can increase their chances of scoring by fooling their defender into taking a shot that won't go in. The Dream Shake badge's ability to increase one's grip on the ball is a further advantage. However, the ball will be taken away from the player if they do not have the badge. In addition, players need a high rating in Ball Control to keep the badge from being stolen by the guards, who would otherwise help the defenders.

Dropstepper Badge

Successfully using the post badge's drop steps is a game mechanic. It's important for players to use the drop steps and hop steps post to get the most out of the badge. To top it all off, it safeguards the ball from harm as the moves are executed.

Fast twitch Badge

Players' ability to make fast-break layups while standing is boosted by the badge. A dunk-off can be held prior to the defensive competition if desired. In addition, the badge can be stacked with the Putback Boss Badge and the Rise Up Badge, giving players even more options. Not only that, but the badge's physiques are a perfect match for the Interior Scorers. Also, Window Washers. To activate the badge, simply take a layup or dunk under the basket from a standing position.

Fearless Finisher Badge

Players' layups and contact conversion rates improve after receiving the badge. The player's strength is boosted, allowing them to better manage the contact and seal the deal. Also, Fearless Finisher helps recover some of the energy that was lost during the layups of contact.

Giant Slayer Badge

The impact of layups, especially against tall defenders, is amplified. In addition, if the shooter is mismatched against a tall defender, there is a greater chance that he will attempt a layup. It's also less likely that the player will be blocked.

Grace Under Pressure Badge

The standing jumpers the player takes when they are close to the basket gain an advantage due to the badge. When appropriate, players can take advantage of their sharp timing. And build up the fakes, waiting for the defender to be caught off guard before shooting. As an alternative to shooting him in the face, players can try to kick him open if they have a safe vantage point.

Limitless Takeoff Badge

To earn this badge, you must earn a Dunk for Diving with a bronze rating of 65, silver at 79, gold at 86, and hall of fame at 96. With the limitless badge, players can take advantage of any opening they find in the defense. If the players start out too far from the basket, they can close the gap and make the basket.

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