After finishing the tense and atmospheric gothic campaign in Lords of the Fallen, players are left wanting more of the game's challenging combat. This is because the campaign itself is quite difficult. After the credits have finished rolling, thankfully, there are still plenty of endgame activities that are both fun and rewarding to participate in with Lords of the Fallen Vigor. After you have finished playing Lords of the Fallen, there are still plenty of rewarding things to do in the game's dark fantasy world.

Following the victory over Lords of the Fallen the following are the top seven things that should be done

The Special Edition of the New Game

After you have vanquished the game's ultimate foe, the next step that makes the most sense is to jump right into a New Game Plus playthrough as soon as you can. This makes the enemies more powerful and increases the amount of damage they deal, thereby making the game more difficult. You can continue to improve your power in New Game Plus by bringing your existing levels, equipment, and magic with you. This allows you to continue your progression from the previous game. Master the art of developing innovative, lethal new hybrid weapons, then employ these weapons effectively in combat. You are able to put your skills to the test against foes whose stat boosts are beyond your wildest imagination, all the way up to NG+7, after each cycle has been completed and the one that follows it has been unlocked.

Acquire Items of the Very Best Tier of Loot

When engaging in New Game Plus, it is beneficial to have the most powerful weapons, rings, armor, and amulets that you can acquire. Invest some time in the pursuit of gathering unusual materials for use in crafting. You can obtain Titanite at the blacksmith, which can then be used for upgrades, by dismantling loot that you no longer require. Fight challenging bosses, such as Infiltrators, more than once to stock up on resources. If you have access to a sufficient amount of resources, you will be able to construct and improve the most potent equipment in order to deliver a devastating blow to your adversaries.

Adjust your character's spec and build, and make any necessary adjustments

The Warrior, Cleric, and Rogue classes all have their own unique gameplay styles that set them apart from one another. On the other hand, custom hybrid builds open up an even greater number of opportunities. Changing your specialization allows you to try out a variety of different permutations of your attributes and skills.

Transform yourself into an unbeatable battlemage or an assassin who also has the ability to heal your allies. Have some laughs on me! In order to achieve the best possible distribution of one's stats and skills, one must engage in experimentation across multiple NG+ cycles.

Complete all of the side quests that are available

It is very easy to overlook a significant number of the game's optional side quests on the very first playthrough of the game. However, completing all of them will net you some sweet loot and add more to the overall story of the game. When you help out characters like Kaslo, the Undying Martyr, and The Keymaster, you have the opportunity to earn significant rewards for your efforts. If you want to finish all of the quests, Lords of the Fallen Vigor is recommended that you consult the available guides. Through the utilization of side content, a portion of the murky history surrounding Rhogar is brought to light. This supplies the primary narrative with additional background information and context.

The Endeavor to Achieve Success and Collect Trophies

Make it your goal in Lords of the Fallen to collect each and every trophy and achievement the game has to offer. People who strive for perfection in everything they do will find this to be a difficult task. The ones that are simpler to finish involve reaching certain stat thresholds, using a wide variety of consumables, and fully upgrading weapons. The more difficult feats require the player to perform flawlessly against the game's bosses, complete speed runs, and playthroughs in which they do not perish. Get the most enjoyment possible out of the money you've spent on the game.


Competing Against Other Players While Working Together

An enjoyable alternative to playing video games by oneself is to engage in skill-based competitions against other people via the internet. Both player versus player and player versus cooperative modes come with their own unique difficulties. If you want to compete against real players, you need to have a solid grasp of the game's mechanics and the ability to identify your own advantages and disadvantages. You are able to find new routes through the levels by working together in a merry cooperative effort. The multiplayer community is still very active despite the fact that it has been years since the game was first made available to the public. Put some of your trust in it.

If you're an experienced player, you should give the speedrun mode in Lords of the Fallen a shot

There are categories for runs that are completed in any percentage, from 0% all the way up to 100%, and everything in between. Practice frame-perfect dodging, glitching, breaking the sequence, and melting the boss so you can improve your skills. You should be able to best the times that you have set for yourself. In order to be successful at speedrunning, you need to have an in-depth understanding of the behavior of enemies and the layouts of the levels. It is the ultimate test of one's level of mastery in the field. The trip has not yet reached its final destination, but the end result will make all of the hard work that was put in along the way more than worthwhile. You are a victor; continue to conquer.

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