There are several reasons why barristers continue to wear wigs:

  • It adds formality and solemnity to the proceedings.

  • A barrister represents the rich history of common law and the supremacy of the law over the proceedings by wearing a gown and wig.

  • Wearing a wig creates a visual barrier between the law and those who must obey it.

A judge may suspend court dress at his discretion, for example, if it may be intimidating to children in the court or during hot weather. As a result, symbolism is more important than any rule.

When Did Barristers Begin to Wear Wigs?

Louis XIV of France pioneered the use of wigs in court. A balding scalp was thought to be an indication of syphilis in the mid-17th century. As a result, the king disguised his scalp with a wig. This trend quickly spread throughout Europe's upper and middle classes, including to the United Kingdom, where Charles II followed suit.

The courts, on the other hand, were slower to adopt the trend, with many judges still sporting their natural hair in judicial portraits. Because barristers were also considered members of middle-class society, full, shoulder-length wigs became part of proper court dress by 1685.

Wigs had fallen out of favor by the 1820s, but coachmen, bishops, and members of the legal profession continued to wear them. Coachmen and bishops ceased in the mid-1830s, but the courts continued the tradition.

Wigs were no longer required during family or civil court appearances, or when appearing before the United Kingdom's Supreme Court, beginning in 2007. Wigs are still worn in criminal court, and some barristers choose to wear them in civil court.

What Does Today's Court Dress Look Like?


Male advocates must dress in a dark double-breasted suit with a bar jacket or court waistcoat and a white stiff wing collar. Female advocates must dress in a dark suit with bands attached to a collarette, as well as a bar jacket or waistcoat.

Junior lawyers:

An open-fronted gown with open sleeves worn over a black or dark suit, and a short horsehair wig with side curls.

Counsel to the Queen:

A silk gown, court coat, and waistcoat were worn. A QC must wear a long wig, black breeches, silk stockings, lace cuffs, and buckled shoes on special occasions.


Judges wear different robes depending on their position and the type of court in which they sit. Always wear a short bench wig, with a longer wig reserved for ceremonial occasions.

Will UK Barristers Keep Wearing Wigs?

Reforms indicate that the court is becoming more accommodating of wig-wearing barristers. They may be discarded within the next 50 years.

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